Instrumental body of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation


Dialogical practices in work with homeless people.

A project to road-test dialogical practices and empowering co-design in work with homeless people.


In progress

Visit the project website:

What does the project deal with? 

HOOD – Homeless Open Dialogue aims to promote the importance of early intervention and rethink the forms and tools of the educational relationship between social workers and homeless people, in light of the outcomes of dialogical practices and empowering co-design. In the context of supporting people with disabilities, empowering co-design is intended to establish personalised action plans and redistribute power in the educational relationship.


What are the results? 

The opinions expressed during the project will be solicited and collected through supervision and intervision – a form of peer coaching – and will allow the potential and limitations of applying the proposed methodology to homeless people to be explored.

The project, which won the European Commission’s “Erasmus + 2020” call for proposals, is aimed primarily at operators working in the field, who are required to integrate the proposed methodology into their daily work.

Lead organisation: Fondazione Ufficio Pio of Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy, foundation)

Scientific partners:

  • University of Turin/DiVi Research Centre (Italy, Research Centre, University)
  • CESIS Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social (Portugal, research centre)

Operational partners:

  • Klimaka (Greece, NGO)
  • Projekt Udenfor (Denmark, NGO)
  • Sant Joan de Déu Serveis Socials (Spain, NGO)

Associate partners:

  • FEANTSA (Europe, European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless)
  • PSD (Italy, Italian Federation of Organisations for Homeless People)
  • HOGAR SÌ (Spain, NGO)

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